Thursday, June 2, 2011

The first car in the world

the 1st car with 4 wheels

1st car with 3 wheels

In 1806 , Swiss inventor Francois Isaac De Rivaz invented the first car in the world with an engine made by hydrogen and oxygen , but this car failed and the same story happened with Samuel Brown and the American inventor Samuel Murray.
After 24 years , Etienne Noire produced an engine and succeed but when he put it in a car , it was going slower than human , and it was constantly disrupted.
Karl Benz

In 29 Jan 1886 , German inventor Karl Benz invented a car with a gasoline auto motor in Germany.
Gottlieb Daimler
After that Gottlieb Daimler invented gas motor and produced his car with a gas motor, and Karl Benz was the first lay the foundation for the automotive industry in the worldinvented a car with three wheelsto be the first car in history that roam the streets.
In March in the same year  the designs of the first car with four wheels, which carry a quick-fuel engine ready for implementation.
He began by Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler, working on the development of creation, and make improvements, introduced theDaimler in 1889, a new engine, and after one year from this date, the Daimler officially announced his company's "factory Daimler Cars" in Stuttgart, Germany, to begin Competition between themand, following innovations.